Dietary Recommendations to help with Weight Loss, to Lower Cholesterol, to help with Heart Health, and for Diabetics

What diet significantly lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, and death, all while promoting weight loss or maintaining an ideal weight?

A whole-food, plant-based diet. lt consists of only f00d that come from plants! Examples of plant-based foods include fruits (apples, bananas, blueberries, cherries, grapes, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes), vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, eggplant, green-leafy vegetables like collard greens, kale, lettuce, and spinach; onions), tubers (corn, potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes, yams), whole grains (barley, oats, quinoa, rice, whole wheat), and legumes (black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, lima beans).

A plant-based diet does NOT include any animaI products. Diets that inctude animal products consistently are shown to lead to a higher risk 0f heart attacks, strokes, and all-cause mortality. Animal products include all dairy, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.  Animal products also include all meat products, such as beef, chicken, fish, pork, and turkey; and eggs.

For a good summary 0n what to eat, visit the website the Forks Over Knives website.

What are the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet? 

-Lower cholesteroI

-Weight loss

-Lower risk of heart disease, regardless of your family history

-PotentiaI to reverse heart disease if you already have heart disease 

-Lower risk of cancer, regardless of your family history

-Lower risk of diabetes, regardless of your family history

-PotentiaI to reverse diabetes if you are already diabetic

-Lower risk of dementia

-Potential relief from arthritis

-Lower risk of osteoporosis

-Regular bowel movements

-Lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction

-Potential to reverse erectile dysfunction if you already have erectile dysfunction

-PotentiaI to get off medications for chotesterol, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, constipation, erectile dysfunction 

-Lower risk of death!

Where do I get more information? 

Click here to visit our Your Health page

Where do I find recipes? 

Forks Over Knives is a great resource for free recipes!

Who benefits from eating at whole-food, plant-based diet?

If you are healthy and want to stay healthy, if you are overweight and want t0 lose weight, if you have high cholesterol, if you have heart disease, if you have diabetes, if you want to lower your risk of getting cancer, if you have a family history heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, then a whole-food, plant-based diet is for you!

We are on a mission to create health, not treat disease!